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The Evolution Of Cold Calling

Despite the popular belief that cold calling is dead, it remains very much alive as an active way to reach out to prospective customers. The art of cold calling has evolved over the last several years with the increased use of technology in the workplace. Cold calling has developed into a system where the calling is much less cold and much more research oriented. Both worlds of inside sales and sales development have begun to utilize technology in the sense of gaining background information on prospects prior to reaching out.

Obtaining basic information on a company is an essential component of the cold calling equation. The correct email addresses and direct phone numbers are the most useful tools that a cold caller could have.

Many people wonder though, how to best utilize the old school art of cold calling in today’s technology age?

The old school method of cold calling has plenty of lessons as well. Qualities of persistence, consistency, listening and learning are valuable traits to keep on hand for every sales driven conversation.

Listening is a key component of phone calls; this enables the listener to gain valuable insight about the prospect's company and learn who the decision maker is. Thus enabling the listener to narrow down a very large list of contacts by utilizing the various technological advances available to today's buyers and sellers. Persistence in reference to making calls to prospects is one aspect of sales that has not changed over the last several years, nor has it been replaced by technology. Consistency within phone calls will also help a Sales Professional in reaching their sales goals. These effective, yet often overlooked sales techniques have not changed and remain as powerful as they originally were.

Cold calling is very much alive in today's sales world. It has evolved to become more efficient and effective than it ever has been before.


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